Fragrance Experiences

Professional Quality Commercial Fragrances

Commercial-Grade Fragrances Trusted By The Pros

Remarkable scented customer experiences start with a vivid fragrance. ScentAir’s commercial-grade fragrances are resilient over time and diffuse further providing rich, even coverage.

Major brands trust ScentAir for our quality and safety. With clients in diverse industries, from major retailers to health care, ScentAir fragrances touch millions of customers each year. Our clients trust our proactive approach to fragrance safety.

Fragrances You Can Feel Good About

Thoughtfully formulated and responsibly sourced, all ScentAir fragrances are:


Oil-based & bacteria resistant.


Never tested on animals.


No animal derived ingredients.

Kosher & Halal


Explore All 9 Fragrance Experiences

Tell your story with a fragrance that’s authentic to your brand image and mission.

Relaxing & Soothing

Ease away customer cares and create a space that invites relaxation. These calming fragrances soothe the soul and open minds.

Voyage & Escape

Capture the sense of adventure! Mysterious and exotic elements from around the globe accentuate the world you create for customers.

Crisp & Invigorating

Inject energy into the air with a stimulating fragrance. Bold and lively, these scents move the masses. 

Warm & Inviting

Invite customers to experience the beloved, the cozy, the familiar. These scents invoke feelings of comfort and friendliness.

Luxe & Sophisticated

Treat customers to the finer things. Conjure feelings of extravagance, opulence and prosperity. These scents make a bold gesture—and won’t be forgotten.

Savory & Gourmand

Tempting and full-bodied, these scents are the essence of our favorite treats. Fill the air with a sense of whimsy and nostalgia.

Timeless & Floral

Breathe new life into the atmosphere with the memorable aromas of a lush garden. Aromatic and evocative, these scents capture a sense of peace.

Passionate & Sensual

Spark romance and intensify the ambiance with seductive scents that make your space irresistible. Then sit back and watch heads turn.

Clean Routine

Customers know clean when they smell it! Inspired by the most common cleaners today, these scents reinforce your top-notch sanitary practices.